Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 Appendix A: QREGISTRY


QRegistry encapsulates functions that operate on the Window's system registry.
(*)  Registry is composed of Keys and SubKeys. Each Key and SubKey 
(*)  can containone or more variables named Values. These Values 
(*)  have a ValueName and a ValueData.
(*)  Example :
(*)    Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT .Bas\Shell\Open\Command
(*)    contains a Default value who's ValueName is "" and whose
(*)    value is "C:\Rapidq\RapidQ.Exe %1"
(*)    ValueName maybe "AnyName". The default ValueName is ""
(*)  The Registry can be edited with Regedit.Exe or regedt32.Exe
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT	= 0x80000000
HKEY_CURRENT_USER	= 0x80000001
HKEY_USERS	        =-2147483645
HKEY_DYN_DATA	    =     0x80000006

QRegistry Properties


QRegistry Methods

CloseKeySUBCloses opened key0
CreateKeyFUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGERCreates a new key in CurrentPath.1
DeleteKeyFUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGERDeletes key.1
DeleteValueFUNCTION (ValName$) AS INTEGERDeletes a value data.1
KeyExistsFUNCTION (Key$) AS INTEGERReturns 0 or 1 if key exists.1
KeyItemFUNCTION (Index%) AS STRINGRetrieve the names of the subkeys1
MoveKeyFUNCTION (OldKey$, NewKey$, Delete%)Moves existing key, subkeys, and data values.3
OpenKeyFUNCTION (Key$, CanCreate%)CanCreate specifies whether to create the specified key if it does not exist.2
(*)ReadBinary(*)FUNCTION (ValueName$, Index%) AS BYTEReturn binary value of specified key(Bug : Index must Start at -1)2
(*)ReadFloatFUNCTION (ValueName$) AS DOUBLEReturn double value of specified key1
(*)ReadIntegerFUNCTION (ValueName$) AS INTEGERReturn integer value of specified key1
(*)ReadStringFUNCTION (ValueName$) AS STRINGReturn string value of specified key1
RegistryConnectFUNCTION (CompName$) AS INTEGEREstablishes connection to another computer's registry.1
RenameValue(*)SUB (OldValueName$, NewValueName$)Renames existing data value.2
ValueExistsFUNCTION (ValueName$) AS INTEGERReturns 0 or 1 if data value Value$ exists.1
ValueItemFUNCTION (Index%) AS STRINGRetrieve the names of the data values1
WriteBinary(*)SUB (ValueName$, BYTE(), Size%)Write Array of BYTEs in the specified key3
WriteFloat(*)SUB (ValeName$, ValueData#)Write double value in the specified key2
WriteInteger(*)SUB (ValueName$, ValueData&)Write integer value in the specified key2
WriteString(*)SUB (ValueName$, ValueData$)Write string in the specified key2
(*) Notes :
(*)    - READ and WRITE requires the mother KEY to be OPENED first with OpenKey(Key)
(*)    - WRITE subs Create ValueName if it does not exist
(*)    - MOVEKEY sets undefined ValueDatas of String type to "", which can be a problem.
(*)      MOVEKEY with Delete% set to one is like renaming a key.

QRegistry Events
EventTypeOccurs when...Params

QRegistry Examples
' ---- EXAMPLE 1 (old)-----------
'  Detect if your computer is connected to the internet
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

DIM Registry AS QRegistry

Registry.OpenKey("System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess", 0)

'(index was 0 originally, but due to ReadBinary bug it must be -1)
IF Registry.ReadBinary("Remote Connection", -1) = 1 THEN
  ShowMessage("You're connected!")
  ShowMessage("You're not connected!")
Registry.CloseKey '(*)

' ---- EXAMPLE 2 (new)-----------------
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER  = &H80000001
DIM Registry AS QRegistry

With Registry
'  Write Key and Values
'  --------------------
   .OpenKey("TestToDelete", 1)   ' Create Key if dont exist
        .WriteInteger("MyInteger", 1234567890)
        .WriteString ("Mystring", "1234567890")
        DefByte MyBinary(10) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}
        .WriteBinary ("MyBinary", MyBinary(), 10)
'  Read Values
'  -----------
   .OpenKey("TestToDelete", 1)
        Print "MyInteger=";.ReadInteger("MyInteger")
        Print " Mystring=";.ReadString ("Mystring")
        DefInt N
        For N = -1 To 8  ' This is a QREGISTRY 'bug' Binary index starts at -1
            Print "MyBinary(";N")=";.ReadBinary ("MyBinary", N)
        Next N
'  Delete the Key and all its Values
' ----------------------------------
   .DeleteKey ("TestToDelete")
End With
' Exit Console
' ------------
DefStr sExit
Input "    FINISHED               CR to QUIT ", sExit
' -------------------------------------
(*) Lines corrected in april 2004
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